Risk factors: social and cultural practices

  • Religious festivals giving rise to intense trade movements and the setting up of slaughter centres.

  • Trading, loaning and giving animals that could be infected.

  • Theft of animals.

  • Risky livestock farmer behaviour by moving animals in PPR areas to disease-free areas.

  • Migration of rural populations in infected areas towards disease-free urban areas.

  • Fleeing areas of socio-political or climate insecurity.

"In response to the threat, farmers move their animals away from infected villages to areas where no outbreaks have yet been signalled, which causes healthy herds to become contaminated." An FAO representative - Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2012

"I had 9 she-goats and 4 bucks in my family, but now all that is left is one she-goat which I have moved." A farmer - Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2012
