Joint CIRAD research unit "Emerging and Exotic Animal Disease Control"

The joint research unit, CIRAD CMAEE (Emerging and Exotic Animal Disease Control), conducts integrated research aiming to improve surveillance, anticipation of emergence and spread risks, and prevention and control of animal and zoonotic diseases of economic and health importance for countries in the South, of which some are threatening countries in the North.

PPR is recognized by governments and international organisations as the leading infectious disease of small ruminants. Its progressive control and eradication will require an iterative definition of control methods and strategies based on interdisciplinary research outputs to which the unit is contributing.

An OIE reference laboratory and FAO PPR reference centre, the unit is pursuing research on:

  • assessing epidemiological situations,

  • studying the diversity of viral strains,

  • characterizing these strains and the plasticity of their genome,

  • developing new diagnostic and treatment tools and vaccines,

  • and developing integrated control strategies.

UMR CIRAD-INRA CMAEE : Campus international de Baillarguet TA A -15 / A - 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5 - France

Tél. : 33 (0)4 67 59 39 04 - Web :


A public industrial and commercial enterprise, CIRAD is the French agricultural research and international cooperation organization working for the sustainable development of tropical and Mediterranean regions.

CIRAD - Direction Générale : 42, rue Scheffer - 75116 Paris - France - Web:
