Peste des petits ruminants

An epidemiological situation under surveillance

(Click on the map to enlarge it).

The global epidemiological PPR situation is constantly evolving and its transboundary spread recently seems to have accelerated in both Asia and Africa. In 2014, the FAO estimated that over 70 countries were affected by PPR. Between 2005 and the beginning of 2013, outbreaks of the disease were reported in 37 countries in Africa and 21 countries in Asia and the Middle East.

Its continued spread is threatening the livelihoods and food security of over one billion extremely poor smallholders and pastoralists, and is the source of great concern for the international community.

In most countries where the disease is enzootic, it re-emerges in a cyclical and seasonal manner, but it also emerges in new areas and in new countries, indicating highly active viral circulation. Although a highly effective attenuated vaccine has been available since 1989, the absence of large scale vaccination campaigns has led to the emergence of the disease in areas and countries that previously had been disease-free, and facilitated the passage of the virus to other species such as dromedaries.

"Lomoo [a local name for PPR in Kenya] has impoverished us. I had a herd of 800 goats. In three months, PPR killed 300." A village head - Kenya, 2008


An analysis of the epidemiological PPR situation based on surveys is critical in areas where the risk of disease emergence and spread is high.

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